Publication date 25/2/20
CHILDREN OF THE STARS by MARIO ESCOBAR tells the unforgettable story of two Jewish brothers, Jacob and Moses Stein, who, against all odds, travel from the horrors of World War Ii Paris half way around the world to find their parents. It is not only their courage that strikes one but also the incredible courage of those who were willing to help them. The unconditional love of these people provides a strong contrast to the hatred of the Nazi regime. The story is full of unforgettable characters, some of whom are actual historical figures such as Pastor Andre Trocle and his wife Magda who worked with displaced people, both Jew and Gentile, in the village of Le Chambron-sur-Lignon.
The author has an incredible way of describing human emotions, and we are really drawn into Jacob and Moses' physical and emotional journey. It is an inspirational story, both heart breaking and heart warming, and throughout we feel the presence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as ordinary people reach out to others, risking their lives to help those who have been branded because of their nationality or religion. There is so much truth in this novel. Amongst other things we are reminded that the fight against evil is a spiritual one.
The story is really riveting and I cannot recommend the book highly enough. In fact I will go as far as to say it is one of the best novels I have read this year.
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