The story takes place after The Kremlin Conspiracy and the Persian Gamble, both very worthwhile reads, but it can be read as a stand alone.
We come across so many characters from the first two novels, starting with Marcus Ryker, who is now working for DSS as a cover for his employment with the CIA. After his heroic actions at a church shooting, he becomes heavily involved in American President Clarke's decision to announce his peace plan, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. With terrorist attacks escalating, which are believed to be the work of a new militant group called Kairos, Marcus and his superiors try first of all to dissuade him from going to Israel, and then they change tactics and decide he should hold a two day summit in Jerusalem after all. All hell is let loose amongst the enemies of peace, especially when the Saudi king decides to join the presidents of America and Israel in the peace talks.
The plot is very well worked out and the desperate search for the Jerusalem assassin had me literally holding my breath.
I am not going to tell you any more as I do not want to spoil things for you.
It is a very thought provoking read, with a strong Christian message, and one I can highly recommend.
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