The story starts in Sicily in 1388 with Sofea, the daughter of a pagan high priest, and her cousin Prezi, being attacked and captured, ending up in Kedesh, one of the Hebrew cities of refuge.
It is a truly beautiful book, with an exciting plot, a lot of suspense, and a really excellent Biblical message. In fact, the author brings a feeling of peace in spite of the very real danger in which the characters find themselves; truly the peace that comes from being in the shelter of the Most High!
I like the way Moriyah, Darek and Eitan, treat the young foreign girls, showing them Yahweh's love, mercy and acceptance, which contrasts strongly with the treatment they received from Sofea's wicked and ungodly father.
This period of history is so interesting, as it is about twenty years since the Israelites came out of Egypt into the Promised Land. We see some results of their disobedience in not keeping separate from the Canaanites and their pagan beliefs.
I particularly like the descriptions of Shiloh, the Jewish festivals, and the High Priest, Eleazar. This is a must read for everyone who has a love for the Jewish people and who worships Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
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