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Christian Novel Review

Having always been an avid reader, since becoming a Christian I have found a wealth of reading material in Christian bookshops and in various second hand bookshops. I have found that in Christian novels one often finds truths that help in one’s Christian walk. I enjoy reading about how the various characters deal with life, and I also find I am the richer for reading a really good Christian novel. Certain authors, through their books, give you a real insight into their joys and struggles, which I find very interesting. The books which I am going to review are those which I have really enjoyed, and have read at least twice – some books, for example the “Mark of the Lion “ series by Francine Rivers, I have read at least five times each. The first books that I am going to talk about are the latest two novels by Francine Rivers,

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Tuesday, 19 July 2022


Publication date 4/10/22
UNDER THE STARRY SKIES is the third novel in the Love on the Santa Fe series by TRACIE PETERSON.. As is the case with all this author’s books, there is a strong Christian message running through it with relevant scriptures, which I really love. The plot is exciting and the characters are unforgettable. I particularly like the way we are taken into Cassie and Brandon’s emotions and see how they deal with past fears and guilt, and the very real fear of the future, with faith in God. 
Starting in 1916, with WW1 in full swing and with the Santa Fe railway lines in New Mexico being sabotaged, Brandon is on the alert, especially when Cyrus McCutchen, the man he suspects of being responsible for Cassie’s father’s death, comes back on the scene.
Family dynamics, the lust for revenge, pride and  broken relationships are some of the subjects that are addressed, as opposed to unconditional love, resposiilbility, friendship and godly living.
I cannot recommend Under the Starry Skies highly enough to anyone who enjoys inspirational historical romance.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Bethany House Publishers. The opinions in this review are completely my own.


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