Afraid of losing Olivia and Nicholas, Sophie Neumann is living in squalor with them in New York, after having run away from her sisters. She is ashamed of the way she has been living, living on the streets and stealing food to keep the children alive, and feels she is too sinful even for the Lord and definitely doesn't want her sisters to see how far she has fallen. She doesn't realize that her sisters have been searching for her for two years, each of them feeling guilty that they hadn't taken her attachment to the children seriously. She is about to marry Danny, a Bowery boy, when she witnesses him letting a fire get out of hand and the murder of someone from another gang. She and her friend Anna get on the Orphan Train with the two children, intending to leave the train in Chigago, but it seems God has other plans for them!
I am not going to tell you any more and spoil your read except to say that the book is full of real people with very real needs. Sophie's need for love and acceptance will never be filled by the children, Reinhold, her sisters or anyone else. Once she accepts that God loves her unconditionally, things begin to change. I love Euphemia with her large family of sons and her cheerful encouragement and godly wisdom.
It is a story of redemption and second chances, forgiveness and acceptance.
I am definitely going to read this book more than once and can really recommend it for the lovely story and strong Christian content.
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