Vance is a retired detective, who has secrets from the past, and in his reluctance to bring these secrets out into the open he is in danger of destroying himself and his family. He is in terrible fear due to having been in charge of a gruesome murder case, and is too proud to go for counselling, which has caused problems in his marriage. He and Lindy try and make a new start in a new place when he takes early retirement from the police force, but there is no new beginning until the fears of the past are finally brought out into the open and dealt with. Lindy's mother, Joan, finds it hard to show love. She is afraid her daughter's marriage will turn out like her own did. She is also changed through the family situation.
There is definitely a case of demon possession in the story. We see how far a demented soul will go to destroy the lives of those that she feels have let her down.
In this book we see how the faith and prayers of a young child bring liberation and salvation to his family.
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