The Temple is built, the Temple sacrifices are taking place and the Jews are trying to live according to God's Holy Law. Again in this novel we see the struggle the men of God have with understanding that, although He is a God of judgment, He also is a God of mercy and compassion. He demands obedience, but this obedience leads to His incredible blessings!
The fact that God has promised to bless the Gentiles who turn away from pagan worship to the true worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is clearly brought out in Amina's case. This young girl, with her crippled leg, who has been rejected and beaten by her pagan family, finds love and acceptance in a Jewish family who adopt her and treat her with love. It is through their kindness that she comes to know and love their God. Her sister, Sayfah, on the other hand, still sees the Jews as the enemy of her people and returns to her pagan lifestyle. The beautiful cloth that Hodaya and Amina, the crippled ones, weave, is symbolic of the beauty of God's creation, and how He can bring beauty out of all things. Biblical truth is also brought out in the pottery made by Ezra's family. We are reminded of the fact that the Lord moulds and shapes us as we yield to Him. We must also allow Him to refine us in the fire, getting rid of impurities and not cracking under the strain.
Reuben is badly affected by his father's death and seeks revenge for his murder. He is a blacksmith and he and his father made weapons to fight against the Babylonians. He turns against God and it is Ezra's patience and kindness towards him that brings him once again into a living relationship with the Lord. Here we see the Lord using Ezra to give Reuben a second chance.
I love the way the characters interact with one another and the way they are influenced, for good or evil, by the circumstances in which they find themselves. Their return to Jerusalem is compared to their ancestors' journey to the promised land. Ezra is compared to Moses as he also has a problem with rebellious people - not all of them have his vision for Temple worship and the study of the Torah. Ezra's wife, Devorah, is a real helpmeet to him, as, not only does she have an understanding of the Torah, having studied it with her father, but she helps him to see God as merciful and compassionate.
The importance of the spiritual restoration of God's holy people, of not becoming contaminated by pagan practices, of separating themselves and not losing their inheritance, and of keeping God's laws, is strongly brought out. These are all aspects of our Christian walk today and it is in our obedience that we are blessed and become a blessing to others. This is the story of our salvation.
There is so much to learn from this novel, the story is beautifully told, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
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