SECOND OPINION, NECESSARY MEASURES and URGENT CARE by HANNAH ALEXANDER are novels that are not only interesting, exciting and well written, but are also full of biblical truth. I particularly like the way the author sees Jesus as the Great Physician. I highly recommend them being read in sequence, but they can be read as "stand alones".
The importance of family relationships is brought out strongly, and we see how Archer Pierce battles with the demands made on him by the church that he pastors and how it affects his relationship with the lovely Jessica Lane.
The importance of putting God first in one's life, then one's spouse and children before other commitments like one's work and church, is very well worked out by the author. The Lord wants all of us, body, soul and spirit, not just what is left over, even if our life is full of Christian service! Archer, in particular, realizes that without the Lord in his life he is nothing and can do nothing. This message comes through very strongly in the novels. We also see how different people react to the storms of life, and how they react better to love and understanding than a critical, "holier-than-thou" attitude. Real friendship is shown between the Sheldon twins and Evan as well as between Lauren and Gina, to name a few, especially when Lauren is not afraid to warn Gina when she sees her about to make a fatal mistake by getting involved with a married man.
The characters are well portrayed. They are real people with very real emotions, and we can relate to them and their struggles.
I can highly recommend these novels and can't wait to read more books by this author.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sue, what a wonderful review about my series! I'm so thrilled that you saw the messages I wished to convey, and that you were entertained by the novels. Many blessings on YOUR mission, which is spreading the word to others about books you've read. Such an important thing for readers and writers alike. Thank you!
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