Eve Dawson & Audrey Clarkson meet in the woods when they are twelve - Eve comes from a poor but loving family and Audrey & her brother Alfie live with every privilege the upper class has to offer, but receive no affection from their parents. This unlikely pair become best friends, but their friendship is not without challenges.
I like the way they seem to bring out the best in each other, with Eve, who seems to be fearless, encouraging Audrey to not be afraid. We see how brave they are during the war and how their characters change with all they go through.
The war changes everything for the English, class distinction meanng less and less as the British work together to save their country from Nazi domination. The book is well researched and the description of England under Nazi attack is eye opening.
In this story we are reminded of the importance of following God's way for our lives rather than our own. We are also reminded of God's kindness and forgiveness towards us, and of the twenty third psalm where we learn about the Good Shepherd who will neither leave nor forsake us.
It is a story about second chances, and the importance of forgiveness, especially towards oneself.
I cannot recommend If I Were You strongly enough.
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