We have the prodigal son, Gabe Talmadge, whose return to Ransom is met by even greater hatred from his father than that which sent him to prison fourteen years before. We see how he gradually allows the Lord to break down the prison walls that he brings with him to the outside world.
Akira, whose name means "anchor", is a true child of God, who hears His voice and loves His Word. She has inherited her godly grandfather's sheep farm and is the shepherdess who longs to lead the lost to the Good Shepherd. She is a disappointment to her socialite mother, but Akira realizes that she needs to be true to the person God created her to be.
When this innocent young woman and the ex convict get together the rumours are rife in the small community of Ransom.
We see the importance of forgiveness, not only towards others but also towards one's self, of standing strong, dressed in the full armour of God, and of trusting the Lord no matter what one is faced with. We are reminded that we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of darkness. As we are drawn to the love of the Good Shepherd we are able to show His love and acceptance to others.
I really enjoyed this novel and cannot recommend it highly enough.
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