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Christian Novel Review

Having always been an avid reader, since becoming a Christian I have found a wealth of reading material in Christian bookshops and in various second hand bookshops. I have found that in Christian novels one often finds truths that help in one’s Christian walk. I enjoy reading about how the various characters deal with life, and I also find I am the richer for reading a really good Christian novel. Certain authors, through their books, give you a real insight into their joys and struggles, which I find very interesting. The books which I am going to review are those which I have really enjoyed, and have read at least twice – some books, for example the “Mark of the Lion “ series by Francine Rivers, I have read at least five times each. The first books that I am going to talk about are the latest two novels by Francine Rivers,

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Thursday, 14 November 2013


STRAIT OF HORMUZ by DAVIS BUNN is the third book in the Marc Royce series, and, like its predecessors, it certainly does not disappoint! It is an exciting read and contains a wealth of biblical truth. Whilst each book can be read on its own, you will get more out of the novels by reading them in sequence.
The story is set in Switzerland and the Middle East. Marc has been sent to Geneva to investigate a potential threat to the U S and Israel, hoping that he will be in time to avert an attack on the Iranians in the Strait of Hormuz. Kitra, the Israeli woman who we meet in RARE EARTH, is sent to Switzerland to warn him that he is walking into a trap, and they are both nearly blown up in an explosion at a well known antique dealer'a shop.
The plot is well worked out and the story is fast-paced, full of intrigue. We meet many interesting characters. Again in this book there is the miracle of people of diverse cultures and lifestyles joined together in their faith in Jesus Christ.
The meaning of discipleship, the importance of obedience and sacrifice and of choosing God's will over one's own, are some of the issues dealt with as the various characters seek answers for their lives. We see Marc's humility and compassion as he literally lays down his life to protect people from harm, as opposed to the greed and total disregard for human life shown by the enemy.
Kitra and Marc have been brought together again in a very dangerous situation. It is as they pray and read the Scriptures together that they come to see what the Lord is requiring of each of them. There is a theme of reconciliation as opposed to that of hatred and the desire for revenge. We see how Rhana Mandana is drawn back to faith in God, largely through Kitra's love and understanding.
I re-read Lion of Babylon and Rare Earth before reading Strait of Hormuz and found it to be a most rewarding exercise. I can highly recommend this novel for enjoyment and content.

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Sunday, 20 October 2013


RETURN TO ME by LYNN AUSTIN is a beautifully written novel which takes place at the time of the return of the Jews from their Babylonian exile to the Promised Land. The story follows the Bible closely, starting in Babylon when Daniel reads the writing on the wall, which leads to the death of the king and the invasion of the Medes and Persians.
When Cyrus decrees that the Jews are free to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple, taking the Temple treasure with them, guarded on their journey by his own soldiers, it seems too good to be true! Iddo, a priest and Levite, is amongst those who recognize this as the fulfillment of prophecy and as proof of the truth of God's Word and that He always keeps His promises. He is very excited and cannot understand why so many of his people, including his own sons, are not willing to give up their comfortable lives in Babylon in order to take part in this miraculous move of God.
The contrast between the idolatry of the Babylonians and the worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the one true God, is brought out clearly. Zechariah, Iddo's grandson, is torn between his desire to serve God in Jerusalem and his longing to stay with his parents in the only home he has ever known. He chooses to answer the call of God on his life when He speaks to him through the portion of the Torah he reads at his Bar Mitzvah. We see how he protects his best friend, Yael, who practises idolatry, and who makes quite a name for herself amongst the Samaritans with her reading of the stars. She gets into trouble on more tha one occasion but he is determined to save her at all costs. The Samaritans do not respect life the way the Jews do, which is seen in the way they leave Raisa's baby girl to die and the way they avenge wrongs.
Interaction with the local population, particularly with the Samaritans who mix idolatry with Jewish religion, causes problems for many of the new settlers, especially for the unruly and undisciplined Yael.
There is much opposition from the local inhabitants to the rebuilding of the Temple, and some of the Jews are fearful and ready to compromise in order to keep the peace. We see the importance of obedience and we also see that, when God tells us to do something, He will not only give us the ability to do it but will also open the way before us.
The characters are well portrayed. Many of them struggle with leaving their old life behind and starting afresh in a new place without very much. The importance of forgiveness and of letting go of the past is emphasized. We see many of them coming to know God as a loving Father, full of compassion and mercy, and not just as the God of judgment. The importance of knowing the Word and of prayer and putting God first is also emphasized. The promise of redemption from sin obtained through the Temple sacrifices is brought out clearly. Whilst God requires obedience to His Law, He wants His children to be merciful and compassionate rather than legalistic with one another.
I especially like the way the book follows the Scriptures and the incorporation of the prophecies of Daniel, Haggai and Zechariah. It is a lovely story and well worth reading. I can highly recommend this book.

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Thursday, 10 October 2013


WHERE FREEDOM GROWS by BONNIE LEON takes place in 1930 during Stalin's rule of terror in Russia and the Great Depression in America. The story is sensitively told and we do indeed see freedom growing in the hearts of Yuri and Tatyana Letinov as they turn to God to help them cope in dreadful circumstances. I am looking forward to finding copies of the sequels in this "Sower" series and also to reading more novels by this very talented author.
We see Tatyana struggling to let go of her homeland as she finds a new family in America, and her fierce loyalty to the true Russian people who are not to be judged by the corrupt and murderous dictator who rules them with a rod of iron. There is a sharp contrast between the communist axiom of "for the collective good", in which individuals are cast aside, and the loving goodness that is found in the godly families who work together, sharing what little they have. Although there is poverty in America it is nothing like the poverty in Russia where people are not allowed to keep anything for themselves from what they grow, or to own anything, and are literally starving.
Yuri's story runs parallel to Tatyana's, and it is here that we see unbelievable suffering. We see how God saves him and Elena from the firing squad, the kindness they receive at the hands of Daniel and his family, and the way he is arrested for preaching the Gospel. He struggles with hatred and bitterness and finds it hard to see where God is in all the evil, feeling the Lord has abandoned him.
I can highly recommend this novel.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


A PROPER PURSUIT by LYNN AUSTIN is the charming story of Violet Hayes, a young lady of twenty living at the end of the nineteenth century, who goes to Chicago to find her mother, to find love, and to find evidence against widow O'Neill in order to stop her father from marrying her!
Violet has just finished her education at Madame Beauchamp's charm school but finds herself ill equipped as far as life in the real world is concerned. Her father grudgingly allows her to travel to the big city to spend time with her grandmother and great aunts, each of whom has the "ideal" suitor for her, except for her rather eccentric Aunt Birdie who keeps telling her to marry for love and Aunt Matt who feels that she should rather remain single than become some rich man's slave! Her father expects her to come back to Rockport and marry the very boring Herman Beckett, whose mother is a great friend of Maude O'Neill.
Violet has a sharp wit, a vivid imagination, and fancies herself to be quite a detective! These attributes have been fed by the crime and romance novels that her best friend smuggled into school.
Violet is a beautiful young lady and causes quite a stir in her Aunt Agnes' social set, where she practises the decorum learnt at Madame Beauchamp's school whilst suppressing her boredom! Aunt Matt gets her involved in marches for women's liberation, and her grandmother takes her to the slums where she works among the poor. She tries hard in all these situations and learns a lot from her grandmother and great aunts, but doesn't feel like following any of their specific paths.  Her grandmother is a godly woman who tells Violet to seek the calling God has chosen for her.
She feels betrayed by her father and used by her suitors who each have a reason for their courtship of her which has nothing to do with true love. It is only when she comes to know the One who loves her the way she is, her Heavenly Father, that she realizes that He has a special plan for her life and that He has been searching for her just as she searched for Aunt Birdie when she wandered off, and as she is desperately trying to find her mother. The story of the prodigal son becomes very real to her when she hears it told by Dwight Moody. She also realizes that she herself has used people to further her search for her mother and in order to find the truth behind the death of widow O'Neill's husband.
There is a lot of depth in this novel and the story is told in a delightful way. We get to know the characters and to understand why they act the way they do.
The city of Chicago is celebrating mankind's progress at the World's Fair, and it is against this backdrop that Violet comes to grips with her true self and what it is she really wants in life. I first read this novel some years ago and have just re-read it with great enjoyment. It is a really good read.

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Friday, 13 September 2013


MISERY LOVES COMPANY by RENE GUTTERIDGE is an intriguing suspense novel. I found the blog theme particularly interesting.
Juliet Belleno loved the written word and was a talented writer. Her father, Lt Colonel Jim Franklin, was frustrated with her for hiding away after the murder of her detective husband, Jason, writing her feelings and opinions on her blog and on Facebook for all the world to see, instead of using her talents for writing a novel. He knew he had never been much of a father to her and the fact that he was a hopeless drunk made matters worse! He felt it was his duty to keep her from harm and when she disappeared without a trace, he was beside himself.
Seargent Chris Downey had been Jason's best friend and partner in the police force. He had promised Jason that if anything happened to him he would look after Jules. When her father told him she was missing he made it his business to try and find her. Chris and her father felt guilty that they had let both Jules and Jason down.
Jason had been a very committed Christian, and in the story we see Jules and Chris responding to Jason's beliefs as they go through very difficult experiences.
Jules' favorite author, Patrick Reagan, has a lot in common with Jules, having also become a recluse after losing his wife. They have come to know one another through their writings, and Patrick kidnaps her in order to encourage her to get on with living life, to dig deep and search for the truth, and to make the most of her talent. At times she feels he is insane and at others she feels she understands him. He also gets her to go through parts of his latest manuscript, which is very painful for her. The anguish Jules goes through in this secluded and lonely place as she is forced to face her fears, draws her to put her trust in Jason's God.
Both Chris and Patrick know there is more to Jason's murder than meets the eye and the story is full of suspense. The theme of searching for the truth runs through the novel. The plot is well worked out and the characters are likeable. I can highly recommend this novel.

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Tuesday, 27 August 2013


THE NIGHT WATCHMAN by MARK MYNHEIR is an exciting detective novel with a good story, believable characters and a subtle Christian message running throughout.  I particularly enjoyed the sarcastic wit with which the protagonist, Ray Quinn, faces the world!
Ray is a former detective who is now working as a night watchman at a very superior apartment building which forms quite a contrast to his very basic and not very pleasant living conditions.  He is crippled due to being shot whilst on duty, and he is bitter at having lost the love of his life in the same shootout.  He feels guilty due to his inability to save her life.  He is a confused and unhappy man with a serious drinking problem.  His problems are deep seated - he never knew his parents and was passed from one foster home to another as a child, thus battling with rejection and heavy depression.
When a pastor and a prostitute are found dead at the apartment building where he works, he and his co-worker Crevis Creighton help the pastor's sister, Pam, to look into what really happened at this so called "murder-suicide".  
Pam is a committed Christian and is unfazed by Ray's antagonism to all things pertaining to her faith, and is a healthy influence in his life.  It is interesting to see how a gradual friendship is built up between the three of them.
In THE CORRUPTIBLE we find Ray and Crevis as Private Investigators. Pam, who is a school teacher, helps them in the afternoons and is also helping Crevis to pass his exams.  Crevis badly wants to become a polIceman but he has a learning disability. He is a likeable character - fiercely loyal and sometimes rather over enthusiastic.  He works out at the gym, getting tips from Ray who was a kick-boxer before he was injured, and has become Ray's protector.  Pam is also always ready to help, which pleases Ray but also exasperates him as he feels she is just waiting to pounce on him with a Scripture or a prayer!
The case they deal with is exciting and dangerous, although this time Ray gets the help he needs from the police department as he has been made a consultant.
The novels are fast paced and there is an interesting message throughout.  We can't help wondering when Ray will finally give up trying to get through life with the help of his "friend" Jim Beam and give the Lord a chance to help him get his life in order!
Although the books are better read one after the other in sequence, they can each be read as stand alone novels.  I can highly recommend them both. 

Monday, 19 August 2013


In LOVE IN A BROKEN VESSEL MESU ANDREWS tells the biblical story of the prophet Hosea and his unfaithful wife, Gomer, with incredible insight and sensitivity. The novel is "up there" with some of the best Christian books I have read!
Whilst following the story and backing it with scripture throughout, the author introduces fictional characters who add their part to the novel without taking away from the truth. The characters, their struggles and their feelings are beautifully portrayed against the background of day to day life in Israel and Judah during the time of Hosea, Amos, Isaiah and Jonah.
We see God's judgment on His adulterous people, but we also see His incredible love and compassion as He restores those who turn to Him.
The Lord speaks to Hosea and tells him to marry a prostitute and to stay faithful to her even when she turns back to harlotry. This mirrors God's unconditional love for His people and His longing for them to turn back to Him. We see the consequences of sin and the importance of obedience. Hosea's patience with his rebellious wife and his obedience to God's voice show his total trust in Yahweh..
The theme of restoration runs right through the story. It is when Gomer is broken like the pottery vessel she throws at the cave wall in frustration, that she finally lets the Lord in to restore her. Then we see Amoz mending the broken vessel and making it into something beautiful.
There is also a lovely parallel of Christ purchasing us by his sacrifice on the cross when Hosea buys his adulterous wife back from slavery.
Altogether a lovely book, beautifully written, and one I cannot recommend highly enough.

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Sunday, 11 August 2013


BETRAYED by JEANETTE WINDLE is a suspense novel which takes place in Guatemala.  Like all the books that I have read by this author, it is most thought provoking.  
Vicki Andrews has no idea what secrets she is about to uncover when she arrives in Guatemala, nor does she have any idea that she is about to be challenged personally as far as her belief in God is concerned.  Through a lot of "coincidences" she uncovers the truth about her early childhood and her birth parents, and through the faith of people like Evelyn and Cesar she is drawn back to the Lord.  
Vicki is an anthropologist who works for Children at Risk, and comes to Guatemala to look at the children's home, Casa de Esperanza, at the municipal rubbish dump, in order to see if the funding they have been given is being used properly.  She has great compassion for people in need, especially children, and cannot understand that a loving Heavenly Father can sit back and do nothing when there is so much suffering in the world.  She is different to her sister, Holly, who is a veterinarian and loves animals and the beauty of the world around her, and has never lost her faith in a loving God.  
In her search for the truth about what happened to Holly, Vicki takes up a position as interpreter at the Wildlife Rescue Centre, where Holly used to work, and it is here that she faces her greatest fears and shows great courage in the face of danger.  Faced with so much corruption, she doesn't know who to trust. In the end she turns to the Lord who came through for Sarah when she was abandoned in the king's harem, trusting Him to do the same for her!  In fact, the idea of being "a woman like Sarah" runs right through the story.   
The novel is exciting and the characters are very believable.  It is an enjoyable read and one I can highly recommend.

Friday, 2 August 2013


 BLIND JUSTICE by JAMES SCOTT BELL is a courtroom thriller with a twist. There is definitely something going on behind the scenes in Hinton where Howie Patino is suspected of murdering his wife, Rae, and when he screams out that the devil is after him, it puts a whole new slant on the case!  In fact he says he saw the devil at the murder scene!
Jake Denney is a lawyer who has a drinking problem, and as a result he has not been very successful. He is divorced and unhappy and the only thing that keeps him going is his love for his five year old daughter, Mandy.
Howie had a hard time at school as he has always been slow, and it is there that he and Jake become friends. When Jake is asked by Howie's parents to be his defense lawyer, he accepts, not only because Howie is his friend but also because he needs the money.  Howie is confused about what happened the night of the murder, which doesn't make Jake's job very easy.
Jake's childhood was not happy. Because he could never please his overbearing father, he has the wrong idea about God and feels he will never be able to please Him either. His friend Trip, who is a private investigator, tries hard to lead him to the Lord.  Howie's sister, Lindsay, makes quite an impression on him with her steady trust in God, and the way she recognizes the demonic power at work in Hinton.  I like the way the story is written in the first person.  We really get to know and understand Jake as he expresses his feelings.
It is not only an exciting story but there is a strong Christian message. I can highly recommend this novel.

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Sunday, 21 July 2013


DON'T LEAVE ME by JAMES SCOTT BELL is a suspense novel that I found hard to put down!
Chuck Samson is trying to put his life back together after his horrific experiences in Afghanistan, where he served as navy chaplain, and the death of his wife, Julia, in a car accident.
Chuck has a job as a school teacher, which he finds most fulfilling, and he is responsible for his younger brother, Stan, who has special needs. 
Everything changes when a man Chuck calls the "Mad Russian" deliberately causes him to slam into his car and then pulls a knife on him.
His life gets really complicated when his house burns down and he is suspected, not only of of manufacturing amphetamines, but also of committing murder!
Things are not at all as they seem and Chuck is devastated when he finds out the truth behind all that he goes through. Chuck has always had to be the brave one, the one with the answers to life's problems for his brother, the children in his class and those he ministered to in the army, but he is at a total loss as to why all these things are happening to him. He is gradually drawn back to the God he hasn't spoken to since his wife's death seven months ago.
It is a story of betrayal, the unfairness of life, and greed, as opposed to simple trust and tremendous courage. For example, we see how Stan, the fearful one, overcomes fear when his brother's life is in danger. The relationships between the characters are convincing and the plot is well worked out. It is an excellent read and I can highly recommend it.

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Wednesday, 17 July 2013


CONGO DAWN by JEANETTE WINDLE is a rivetting suspense novel which is set in the Congo in the Ituri rainforest area. We see unbridled horror, greed and corruption on the one hand, as opposed to Christian love, compassion and forgiveness on the other.
Trevor Mulroney is horrified to find that the interpreter he has hired as part of his security team, Chris R. Duncan, is in fact a woman. Robin, as she is called, is an ex marine who was deployed in Afghanistan. It is there that she knew Michael Stewart, who she is surprised to meet again in the Congo. Michael, who is now a qualified doctor, was a medical orderly in Afghanistan and she blames him for her brother's death. They haven't seen one another for five years, and whilst Michael is still a committed Christian who lives out his faith, Robin has lost her childhood faith and feels very far from God. It is Michael's sister Miriam, with her loving ministry, and the danger that Robin finds herself in, that cause her to draw close to the Lord once again.
While it doesn't take long for Michael and Robin to uncover the truth about what happened that dreadful day in Afghanistan, it takes longer for them to uncover the truth about what really is happening in the Ituri rainforest, what really happened to the local population and why the mine workers are being held as prisoners.
The Are Solutions operatives are going to be well paid for this mission which is very important for Mulroney, who stands to lose everything if it fails. The mine has been sabotaged by the man they call Jini, the ghost, and these soldiers, together with some of President Wamba's men, are hunting him like an animal.
Robin is a dedicated operative and does her job well, but this assignment is especially important to her as her sister's child of four needs expensive surgery in order to survive. Little Kristi is the only person that Robin has allowed herself to love and she wants to help by paying for her operation.
We see how Robin learns that God is able to supply His children's needs without her help, and we see her great bravery and compassion for others when put to the test.
The characters are well portrayed, the setting is beautifully described and the story is full of biblical truth. There is much food for thought in this novel and I can highly recommend it.

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Thursday, 11 July 2013


THE MEETING PLACE by JANETTE OKE and T. DAVIS BUNN is a story of reconciliation, forgiveness, and overcoming heartache through faith in God and His goodness.
Catherine Price and Louise Belleveau are two young girls from neighbouring villages in Acadia, one of them English and the other French, whose friendship and desire to study the Scriptures and have a living relationship with the Lord, not only affects their lives but the lives of their husbands, families and communities.
The French village of Minas consists of a community of Huguenots who left France due to religious persecution. They are hard working and have no desire to fight, either for France or for England. The English are afraid of the alarmingly large number of Frenchmen in Acadia, and have the misguided idea that they will join with the Indians to fight against them. This is why the French have been ordered by the British to sign a declaration of allegiance to the British throne, promising to fight on the British side in any war. This they refuse to do.
Catherine marries Andrew Harrow, a captain in the British regiment, and they live in the village of Fort Edward. On the same day Louise marries Henri Robichaud. The women's friendship grows in leaps and bounds and they meet regularly in a beautiful clearing. Catherine, who has learnt some French, takes out her grammar book and studies it throughout the winter in order to be able to better communicate with her friend. Both women are open with their husbands about their meetings and their friendships, not wanting to go against their husbands' wishes, and this leads to a strong bond between the two men as well.
In this novel we see two godly couples who dare to be friends, and who are literally prepared to lay down their lives for one another, in contrast to the bigotry and hatred shown by others towards those they consider a threat.
It is a well known fact that the two countries, England and France, have hated one another for a long time, and in this book we see how brave and godly people follow God's commandment to love one another, no matter the cost.
It is a beautifully written book in which the struggles and heartaches of the characters are well portrayed and the message of the Gospel shines through. I can highly recommend this novel.

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Thursday, 27 June 2013


HARVEST OF GOLD by TESSA AFSHAR is the sequel to Harvest of Rubies. The novel carries on with Sarah and Darius' story, this time set against the backdrop of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Although it is best to read the books in sequence, they can each be read as stand alone novels.
Darius and Sarah are summoned to Susa by the king and queen of Persia and on the way they uncover a plot to kill king Artaxerses.
The plot seems to originate from Damascus, and Darius and his armed men are to go with Nehemiah as far as Jerusalem, and then carry on to Damascus to find the people who are trying to overthrow the king. Sarah is Jewish and has always longed to see the land of her fathers. She begs Darius to allow her to go with them. She is deeply in love with her husband and doesn't want to be separated from him.
Their story is beautifully interwoven with the wonderful story of Nehemiah's faith and courage as he undertakes the impossible task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, constantly under attack from his enemies, but still managing to bolster the courage of the Judeans, who had been living without hope and in dire poverty.
Darius' mother was Jewish but it isn't until he is in Jerusalem, working closely with Nehemish, that he comes to know his wife's and mother's God. He is literally rebuilt once he faces the "rubble" of his past and sees that his foundations were destroyed when he was forced into an army barracks at the age of seven. Here he learned to live without showing any feelings and this is the reason that he is afraid to open up to Sarah. Once he has faced his past this all changes.
There is a harvest of gold for Jerusalem, with the sun shining on the stones of the newly built wall and the grain growing in the fields round the city. Darius and Sarah also reap a rich harvest in Jerusalem.
It is a story of God's faithfulness in adversity. We see the importance of never giving up and also of facing one's past and allowing the Lord to heal one's wounds.
It is a beautifully written novel, with a good story and is full of scriptural truth. I can highly recommend it.

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Tuesday, 14 May 2013


VEILED FREEDOM & FREEDOM'S STAND by J.M. WINDLE are two of the most thought- provoking novels I have read. Set in war-torn Afghanistan with the Americans trying to help rebuild the country with humanitarian aid and para-military protection, we meet, amongst other colourful characters, a young aid worker, Amy, an ex Special Ops soldier, Steve, and a young Afghani, Jamil, who is full of hatred and the desire for revenge.
Amy builds up New Hope where women who have been released from prison can live with their children. She comes to love these people, and Steve at first finds her rather naive and far too trusting, although he comes to see her true strength in the end. Amy lives out her Christianity and many are touched and drawn to Jesus, or Isa Masih as He is called there, through her witness. She tells the children Bible stories from the Old Testament to which they can relate.
Jamil is her helper and we see how he is also touched by the love of God and how his hatred melts away when he understands the sacrifice that was made on the cross to set him free. Whereas he feels that he can never do enough to make up for his sins and satisfy Allah, thus attaining paradise, he comes to know that the God of the holy book Amy has given him will welcome him freely. We see how he struggles to accept this free gift of salvation which goes against all he has been taught. The gentleness and understanding he sees in Amy's dealings with everyone and her uncompromising faith in her Lord, affect him profoundly. Amy is careful not to proselytize, but is desperate for the people she has come to love so much to find true freedom. She and Steve feel that there will never be true freedom in the country until people are allowed to choose who they will worship. Also women should be able to choose as far as marriage and a career are concerned. There is much fuss made about the up-coming elections, but there is not much to choose between the equally immoral candidates. Steve sees the double standards of the Americans who are willing to turn a blind eye in order to keep the peace at all costs, backing Khalil in spite of proof of his corruption because he is relatively pro America.
It is dangerous to practice Christianity there, in spite of the fact that the country has been "liberated" by the Americans, and dangerous to interfere where women are concerned as they are still treated like chattels. This is something Amy feels very strongly about and she is desperate about "her" women and children until she realizes that Jesus loves them more than she does and commits them into His care. Things change at New Hope while she is home in the States for three weeks leave and this devastates her. She is passionate about her work there and is forced to sit back and watch the place being run as a tight knit business by her new superior and the Afghani couple she left in charge while she was away.
We also see clearly the very understandable mistrust that the Afghanis have of the Americans who often don't bother to try and understand their ways and who can leave and go home to their own country at any time. We also see the very real corruption in high places and amongst the populace, where there may be talk of democracy but where it is each man for himself.
We see how Steve, this muscular, focused soldier, who is afraid to love because of the risk of getting hurt, softens and turns back to God, letting people come close.
All three of the main characters show unconditional love, the willingness to forgive, and to lay their life down for others as they serve The Lord under very difficult and dangerous circumstances.
Whilst each book can be read as a stand alone novel, I recommend that they are read together in order to get the most out of them. The novels are very exciting and are so full of biblical truth that I can highly recommend them.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


CITY OF ANGELS BY TRACIE PETERSON and JAMES SCOTT BELL is the first book in the KIT SHANNON series. It is a legal drama which takes place in the early 1900's in Los Angeles.
Kit arrives in Los Angeles determined to become a lawyer. She causes quite a stir as women lawyers are practically unheard of at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Kit has had a sad and difficult childhood, but through it all she has never forsaken her faith in God which was instilled in her largely through her beloved preacher father. Orphaned at a young age and harshly treated at St Catherine's orphanage, she holds on to The Lord and to His word found in her most precious possession - the Bible her father left for her.
She comes to live with her Aunt Freddy, a wealthy widow to whom social standing means everything, and who tries to dissuade Kit from practising law, wanting her instead to pursue more socially acceptable pastimes whilst waiting for a husband and children!
Kit meets the legendary Earl Rogers who takes her under his wing and helps her become a member of the bar. Kit shows her brilliance in the courtroom in spite of opposition.
In her search for truth Kit becomes the object of persecution, but she is undaunted in pursuing justice for her clients. She comes up against snobbery, police corruption, the lies of those who are covering up the truth, for example the lawyer Heath Sloate, Dr Lazarus the false preacher, racism and the teachings of Darwin.
Her life is one of prayer and determination and she sees her law career as God's calling on her life. We see how she defends her friend Ted Fox when he is falsely accused of murder, and also her friend Corazon's brother who has been set up on an assault charge, and how she longs for her Aunt Freddy to come to a relationship with The Lord.
I have just re-read the whole series, but City of Angels can be read as a stand alone book. There is a strong Christian message throughout, the characters and life in that era are well portrayed and it is an exciting read. In fact I can highly recommend reading the whole series in sequence.

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Tuesday, 9 April 2013


IN DARKER PLACES by BRANDT DODSON is the fourth book in the Colton Parker series and is well worth reading. It is a modern story of the "lost sheep" that Jesus speaks of in His parable of the same name.
Callie Parker runs away, and her father pulls out all the stops to find her. He follows the leads to Las Vegas and it is in "Sin City" that Colton realises that he is also lost and needs saving.
Callie, largely due to her grief over losing her mother, becomes involved with kids at school who are into Goth clothes and anti- establishment behaviour and this leads to her becoming part of a satanic cult. The leader of the cult, who draws young girls into prostitution, takes a special liking to her and she becomes one of his followers. Colton realizes that he is unable to fight against the evils of occultism in his own strength and he turns to the God who his wife, his friend and former colleague Mary, his new friend Marty, and his wife's pastor, have been talking about for so long.
The novel exposes the dangers children face today. Drugs, satanism, new age philosophy and prostitution are realistically exposed. There is also a strong theme of unconditional love running throughout. It is an exciting read and I can highly recommend it.

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Thursday, 21 March 2013


TRUTH STAINED LIES by TERRI BLACKSTOCK is an exciting thriller with a definite Christian message.
When Jay Cramer is suspected of murdering his estranged wife, his three sisters, Juliet, Cathy and Holly, and his best friend Michael Hogan, are totally committed to getting him released from prison and reunited with his five year old son, Jackson, who has been placed in the custody of his very sick maternal grandmother and uncaring uncle.
Cathy is a lawyer who is no longer practising - she now writes a blog where she tries to get justice for victims of crime by giving her slant on court cases. When her brother is proclaimed guilty by nearly everyone, she realizes she must be more careful what she writes in future and should even ask for God's guidance beforehand! She sees how easy it is to ruin someone's life by what one says or writes about them.
Her relationship with The Lord was badly affected when her father, a pastor, left his family and ran off with his secretary. Holly was also badly affected, and we see how the trauma they go through trying to save their brother and nephew draws them back to The Lord and even leads them to visit their father and to forgive him. We also see Holly, who has lived a wild and selfish life, show compassion to old Mrs Haughton, and gain self esteem when she is asked to help Michael, who is now a P. I., after disgracing himself and his family as a cop by withholding evidence which led to his brother's killer being set free, asks her to help him solve the crime.
Juliet learns to be more understanding of Holly and is impressed by her maturity. When Holly sees Warren Haughton's disregard for his nephew's unhappiness she makes a major decision in her own life.
Michael battles with guilt for being thrown out of the police force, but he mostly feels that, as a Christian, he has let his Lord down! Cathy was engaged to his murdered brother, Joe. They both feel guilty when they find they have feelings for one another.
The plot is well worked out, the characters are believable, and the story is fast paced. I like the way the characters work through their feelings and relationships. It is good to see ordinary people dealing with what life throws at them, and coming out stronger when they realize that God is not the source of their problems, but is indeed "a very real help in the time of trouble." I enjoyed this novel and can recommend it.

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Tuesday, 19 March 2013


 DAMASCUS COUNTDOWN by JOEL ROSENBERG follows The Twelfth Imam and The Tehran Initiative, both of which I reviewed on the 9th January 2012, and which I recommend you read first in order to get the most out of this novel.
It is also full of biblical prophecy and shows how Iran, Syria and Israel fit into God's scheme of things.  
The Twelfth Imam, or Mahdi, has set himself up as a tyrannical "god" and has forced other leaders in the Middle East to bow to him as supreme leader of the Muslims.
There are two nuclear warheads that were not destroyed with the others and David Shirazi is sent back to Iran to find them before they are fired on Israel and even maybe the United States.  He has to leave when he knows his beloved mother is not much longer for this world, but is comforted by the fact that his father knows the truth about his work and is proud of him.  David doesn't know that Marseille Harper has found out the truth from something that was let slip at the C.I.A. Headquarters.  Marseille, who has recently committed her life to Christ, shows great compassion and is a tower of strength to the Shirazi family at the time of his mother's funeral.
Marseille feels that the Lord has drawn her and David together but is also aware of the fact that she cannot be unequally yoked with an unbeliever.  She remains unaware of David's conversion to Christianity until he comes home after the mission.
In this novel we see the forces of evil unleashed against Israel and the hatred shown by militant Islamists towards those they call infidels, namely anyone who doesn't embrace their beliefs. We see the determination of the Jewish leaders to prevent a second Holocaust, and the weakness of the American president who believes that the Mahdi will see reason if he is treated with diplomacy.  We see Israel refusing to hold back and their determination to protect their homeland and citizens.
The warheads are on the move and David uses his contacts amongst the Twelvers, who have come to trust him, and information from the Israelis, to hear that they are going to be launched from Damascus.
The book is very exciting and well worth reading, in fact it is rather like reading tomorrow's newspaper!
The author keeps our interest with well portrayed characters and interesting relationships throughout the story. We are keen to find out what will happen between Marseille and David, whether Dr Birjandi will ever reveal his allegiance to Jesus Christ to the Twelvers, and whether David's rather desperate plan to find and deactivate the warheads will be successful.
We see bravery and patriotism at its best, and bigotry and hatred at its worst. We also see God's faithfulness to His people. I can highly recommend this novel.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT BY T. DAVIS BUNN is a suspense story with a romantic twist.
Wayne Grusza is asked by his sister, Eilene, to look into the finances of a seniors' complex where she ministers from time to time. Eilene and Wayne were orphaned quite young and, as the older sister, Eilene despairs of her brother ever settling down and prays constantly for his conversion to Christianity. Wayne has been through a lot and his past troubles him. Having been in special ops, married too young and divorced by his wife while serving in Iraq, he is bitter and very angry. He has come to the end of himself and has nowhere else to go, so he goes to work at the seniors' community and finds friendship and acceptance there. While he was in the armed forces he was put in an office job where he found an incredible aptitude for figures. He finds that the residents have been badly conned and gets their money back in a most unorthodox manner!
Eilene is a pastor who has a church in Orlando with an outreach centre. She has a beautiful friend, Tatyana, a lawyer who works for Ted Easton. There is something strange going on in his company and Tatyana asks Wayne to use his expertise to look into the books. Easton is a Christian who is forced to stay under virtual house arrest due to a threat against his life. He has been warned by an "angel", and the same person also warns Wayne of danger.
There are a lot of likeable characters in this novel, including the elderly Victoria who prays without ceasing for Wayne, Foster and Jerry who become his friends and who, together with Julio, the teenager his sister asks him to take under his wing to save him from the gangs, back him at every turn.
We see broken and lonely people restored to wholeness and hope. We see the power of intercessory prayer as Victoria prays for those The Lord brings into her life. We see how Wayne and Tatyana become able to love again when they let go of feelings of betrayal and anger and learn to forgive.
I can highly recommend this novel, it is an exciting read and is full of Scriptural truth.

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Wednesday, 13 February 2013


SCREEN PLAY: A NOVEL by CHRIS COPPERNOLL is a charming book about a young girl's dreams, and like the play Apartment 19, there are many layers to the story.
Harper Gray is a young actress who has been through a difficult year, her thirtieth year, without work, living in an apartment in Chicago with nothing to do.  Her boyfriend has left her and her best friend, Avril, has left for New York where she is doing well in the acting scene.  She is ready to give up until she meets Bella who invites her to church and gently leads her into a relationship with the Lord. 
She gets a call from Ben, a friend from college, who is now a director, telling her that his leading lady's understudy has left suddenly and he wants her to come to New York and take her place.  She knows this is an answer to prayer and is very grateful.
We see how she copes in a difficult situation, with an impossible leading lady, an unfriendly director's assistant and a feeling of not fitting in anywhere.  
She is a young Christian but she makes a definite stand for the Lord.  She feels she has been placed in this situation for a reason and is determined to see what He wants her to do here.
One of her dreams is to become a good actress and the other is to meet the right man. Avril has found a boyfriend online called Jon, with whom she is madly in love, and Harper very tentatively joins the Love.Set.Match website where she meets Luke from Alaska.  Harper has great compassion and finds herself praying for the people she comes in contact with, even the men she meets online.  When she is acting in the play, she takes it to a different level by praying with all those involved before going on stage.  We see how the other actors come to love her and stand up for her when she is maligned by Helen Payne.
We see the difference between Harper and Avril.  Avril misses the underlying meaning in Apartment 19, whilst Harper relates to a character enduring life in a difficult situation as she has  been doing just that for the past year.  Avril seems to live a charmed life, and is sadly disillusioned when she finds her boyfriend has been lying to her. Harper sees clearly the difference between acting and reality.  She feels acting is her ministry, and succeeds in her first dream.  
Although in the natural Luke seems to be quite wrong for her, living such a different lifestyle and being so far away, Harper comes to see that he is the soul mate she has dreamt about for so long.
This is a novel that I enjoyed immensely.  It is beautifully written and has tremendous depth and a strong Christian message.  I love the interaction between the characters, and Harper is a heroine that one cannot help taking to one's heart.  


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Thursday, 24 January 2013


SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN by BRANDT DODSON is a novel which brings home the message of forgiveness, which is not surprising considering the title!
Colton Parker is a former F.B.I. Agent, turned private investigator, who is called upon by a wealthy business man to find his missing wife. Things are not as they seem, and when he finds the man's wife he is forced to face the mother who abandoned him as a baby, and is drawn into doing battle with  some very dangerous people.
Colton is struggling to forgive himself for his wife's death, which he feels was his fault, and he is also trying desperately to connect with his thirteen year old daughter, who has lost the mother she adored and who blames him for her death.
Colton's struggles are well portrayed, and we are left with the feeling that he is finally ready to turn to the One who died so that his sins could be forgiven.  We also see the importance of facing up to what one has done wrong in order to be set free from guilt.
The plot is exciting and well worked out and there is a strong Christian message. I really enjoyed this book.  I have read two other Brandt Dodson novels, WHITE SOUL and DANIEL'S DEN,  which I can also recommend.

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Friday, 18 January 2013


WHAT LIES WITHIN by KAREN BALL is the third book in the FAMILY HONOR SERIES.  I have read and enjoyed all three and, although it is better to read them in sequence, each can be read as a stand-alone novel.  In fact, I have only just read the first two, having read WHAT LIES WITHIN many years ago.  It has been great re-reading it in sequence.
Kyla Justice has taken over her deceased father's construction business, JuCo, and has made a name for herself in a male dominated profession.  She is not emotional like her sister Annot, or Annie as she is called, and is disciplined and driven rather than passionate.  She and Annie, with their brother Avidan, or Dan,  are a very close family and they look after one another, especially since their parents' deaths.
In spite of her success, she is not satisfied, and longs to build something worthwhile, something that will be pleasing to God and will make a difference.  Her first reaction to her father's old friend Fredrik's request to help with rebuilding the church into a Teen Centre, in the middle of the 22's territory, is that it is impossible, but she soon gets drawn into the vision. She feels strongly that the Lord is calling her to do this.  
This leads to trouble and Kyla is in grave danger from those who are trying to stop the project from being finished in time. JuCo has made a lot of money and she does what her father used to do when he came across a project that he felt was worthwhile, and that is to do it out of her accumulated profit.  
Rafe Murphy is an ex Marine who was injured on duty and now runs a coffee shop.  He meets up with Kyla, who he has been in love with all his life, when she comes in for coffee.  She doesn't recognize him, but he knows who she is, and their relationship is quite volatile as he tries to keep her safe, while she thinks she is capable of looking after herself.  Her sister Annie calls her "Sister-Mommy" because of her bossy and protective ways.  Her siblings wonder what happened to her to quench her passion and put such a tight rein on her emotions, but Rafe knows.  Through all they go through in the "war zone" she is drawn to him and second guesses her engagement to Mason.  Rafe's Marine unit is loyal to him and they are more than willing to help in the situalion.
The story follows closely the story of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, where the Israelites trusted in God to keep them safe.  They held a sword in the one hand and a building tool in the other.  Their enemies were determined to stop Jerusalem from being rebuilt, and did everything in their power to hinder the work.  Nehemiah soaked the whole project in believing prayer, and Fredrik is the one who, with his elderly deacons, does the same for the modern rebuilding project.  It is a beautifully worked out story, with believable characters, and the biblical story is paralleled  in the modern world with gangs, the greed of business tycoons, threats and betrayals,  The power of prayer is shown strongly together with the importance of trust.  I like the verses at the beginning of each chapter, many of them taken from the book of Nehemiah.
This is a novel I can highly recommend.

Saturday, 5 January 2013


FATAL JUDGMENT by IRENE HANNON is the first book in the GUARDIANS OF JUSTICE series. It is a fast-paced thriller with a strong Christian message.
Deputy U.S. Marshall Jake Taylor is placed on protective duty and is surprised to find that Elizabeth Michaels, the high profile judge he is protecting, is his best friend Doug's widow. He has pre-conceived ideas about her because of the derogatory remarks Doug made to him about her, however his opinion changes as he gets to know her better. What starts out as a purely professional relationship turns into something more. The truth is that, just as her murdered sister Stephanie's husband abused his wife physically, Liz's husband abused her mentally.
Jake has more or less given up on God because of his wife's death, and Liz understands how he feels as she was tempted to do the same when Doug died.
The Taylor family are very close and are all involved in law enforcement in one way or another. Their mother is a godly woman and they were brought up in a Christian home. Cole is a detective and Alison works in child services. Stephanie was Liz's only living relative and she feels desperately lonely when she is alone in the condo where she is being kept safe until the killer is apprehended. She is drawn to Jake and he becomes her lifeline to normalcy. She looks forward to his visits and they come to trust one another and open up to one another. Jake has to put up with some subtle teasing from his siblings and his co-workers as it is obvious that he and Liz have feelings for one another. They are both looking forward to being able to pursue a romantic relationship once the case is solved.
Liz has developed a strong faith in God over the years and she encourages Jake to take up Alison's invitation to go to church with her. It is when Liz is in mortal danger that his childhood faith in the Lord is re-awakened.
The characters are well portrayed and their relationships with one another and with the Lord come through strongly. The importance of family and friends, of forgiveness, kindness and understanding, shows throughout the story.
We see how a diabolically clever killer, with weird anti-government ideas, has his plans thwarted by the very government agencies he is trying to expose! I can highly recommend this book. I have read the next two novels in the GUARDIANS OF JUSTICE series, where Cole's and Alison's stories are told, and can highly recommend them as well.

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