When Arielah is born Jehosaphat has a dream that his daughter, whose name means "lion of God", will marry the king and bring peace between Judah and Israel.
Arielah falls in love with Solomon when she sees him for the first time at the age of seven and knows in her heart she will marry him one day. It is through the little shepherdess and her godly family that king Solomon comes to know what love really is. Although she is hurt by his behaviour she learns to forgive him and to love him unconditionally.
God has given Solomon amazing wisdom, and in his desire to build his kingdom he makes treaties and trade agreements with foreign kings and governors. In exchange he is given many foreign wives. Where he is so wise in worldly matters, he is sadly lacking in wisdom as far as love and commitment are concerned. The wisdom God has given him serves him well in the world of commerce, but he lacks his father David's shepherd's heart. David was a warrior king; Solomon is to bring peace to the land during his rule by using his great wisdom. He is also to build the Temple that his father David wanted to build. He is very aware of his duties to his people and the importance of obedience to Jehovah.
The novel is full of scriptural truth, and their love story follows the Song of Solomon.
There is intrigue, deception and jealousy, not only between the wives and concubines, but also between Judah and Israel. There are men at court who do not have the king's or the country's best interests at heart. These men, led by the cruel Ahishar, together with the twin Daughters of Jerusalem, stir up dissention and make the most of the jealousy in the harems and the pagan worship practised by the foreign wives and concubines, to try and usurp power in the kingdom.
The meaning behind Jewish betrothal and wedding practices are beautifully explained and we can't help but make the parallel between these and the betrothal and marriage that takes place between the believer and Jesus.
In this novel we are reminded of God's unending love for each one of us, how He alone brings about changes in our characters as we seek to be obedient to His will. How it is perfectly safe to trust Him with our very lives and with the lives of those who are dear to us. He is the Great Shepherd, and it is often when we are alone, surrounded by His creation, that He speaks to us and shows us what to do.
We see Arielah's obedience, which very nearly leads to her death, and are reminded of the sacrifice of Christ when she speaks to the people of the north at the Passover festival, and her wounds remind us of the wounds of Jesus, our sacrificial Lamb.
God's mercy and grace, the importance of repentance and forgiveness and of obedience to His Law, run through the story from beginning to end.
Jehosaphat is a godly man, and he is a father or "abba" to many, including to his son-in-law, king Solomon. He honours his daughter's free choice and doesn't force her to marry the king, even though his heart breaks when he realizes what she will have to suffer to bring about peace in the kingdom and in Solomon's heart.
When Solomon is parted from Arielah after her attack, he not only realizes how much he truly loves her, but also comes to seek the Lord in true repentance. This time, when he fetches her from her father's house, they do not go straight back to the court at Jerusalem, but they spend some time of restoration and refreshment at his vineyard.
The novel is beautifully written and the characters are very real and well portrayed. Of course this is a work of fiction, but this does not take away from the truth of the story or the scripture that it is based on. It is a really inspirational book and most enjoyable.