ALLAH'S FIRE takes place in Lebanon. It is part of the Task Force Valor series. It is a very exciting book and has a strong Christian message. I have read all three of the novels and enjoyed them all. They can each be read as stand alone books, but I feel you get more out of them if you read them one after the other.
Liz Fairchild was brought up in Lebanon by her free-thinking parents, Charles and Annabelle, and her sister Julie. They are American, but have a great love for Lebanon and her people. Liz is a journalist and she has come back to Lebanon to interview Palestinian women in the refugee camps.
Julie, while studying in England, falls in love with a handsome Lebanese called Khalil. While living in Britain all goes well with their marriage, but when they return to live in Lebanon, their differences pull them apart. She is not as radical a Christian as her sister, but she has made a commitment to the Lord. She is afraid of telling her parents that she is a Christian because of her father's criticism of Liz's faith. It is when she is alone and afraid during her imprisonment that she learns to really trust in the Lord as her Saviour, and promises to profess her faith instead of keeping it hidden, if she manages to escape.
Julie and Khalil are at a reception at the Hotel Rowena, which is blown up by a terrorist group using a new explosive called ITEB, a liquid which explodes on exposure to air. Julie manages to escape through a window in the ladies, restroom, but she is abducted by three Palestinians.
John Cooper and the rest of the Task Force Valor team are seconded to the CIA and sent to Lebanon to find where ITEB is being manufactured and to destroy it, as it poses a terrible security threat. It is stored in bottles and looks like water.
John has always been a committed Christian, but when his friend Doc Vernon James is blown up when he is trying to help a young Islam woman who he believes is giving birth, he doesn't know what he believes any more.
When Julie disappears Liz's faith is badly shaken.
Julie and John met three years previously and lost touch with one another. They meet up again at this stressful time, and Liz, who goes off on her own to find Julie, becomes part of Task Force Valor's mission.
John and Julie not only find one another again, but their faith in a faithful God is restored.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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