He shows how in both cases "the walls were breached" by the enemy, and how Biblical prophecy was fulfilled at Ground Zero and with the collapse of Wall Street.
He shows how the Lord is a God of mercy and desires above all that all men be saved and that He longs for them to turn to Him in obedience to His Word - how He warns them and yearns for them to come to Him - in fact their very future depends upon their reaction to His warnings. There is definitely hope here, as we see God's great love for those He has created to have fellowship with Him and to follow His ways, ways which lead to His protection and incredible blessings.
There is too much in this book, which is more of a conversation and a teaching than a novel, for
me to do it justice, and I suggest that you look up www.theharbinger-jonathancahn.com for more information.
It is a very exciting book, and I feel that the warning is not just for the United States but for all people everywhere to choose to return to the Lord before it is too late!
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