Lydia is a successful school teacher in Korsor, Denmark, with the prospect of marrying a colleague who seems perfect for her, but she is determined to search for what is lacking in her life. She is very self conscious as she prays and asks the Lord to show her if He is real, and promises to follow Him if He is truly God. Jesus reveals Himself to her and her life changes from that moment. She comes to love Him and His Word and spends hours in prayer as He leads her every step of the way. Hers is a childlike faith. We see how her obedience leads to her being shunned by most of her colleagues and even the Lutheran church, but her joy in her newfound faith sustains her. As she yields to the Lord, the Holy Spirit becomes her constant companion.
She leaves Denmark and her family and her comfortable life to move to Jerusalem, which was not a particularly attractive place at the time, nor was it at all safe, especially for a young woman on her own. She comes to love the great City and her people, and it is there that she experiences the Lord's protection, His leading and miracle power in great measure. It is in Jerusalem that she rescues a sick Jewish baby called Tikva, who becomes everything to her. She has given up the chance for a teaching career in Lebanon, which seems ideal, and then the Lord asks her give Tikva back to Him. She feels like Abraham on Mount Moriah, but her obedience and faith are well rewarded.
This book shows that it is possible for anyone who is willing to search for the truth to come to know Him who is all Truth, and for those who are obedient to know His fullness in their lives. I cannot recommend this book enough!!