When Josh finds out about a plot to attack American citizens by means of two nuclear weapons exploding simultaneously in separate parts of the country, he gets the Roundtable involved and also warns President Corland. President Corland sends a memo to have this looked into, but Vice President Tulrude stops the investigation. President Tulrude is against Josh, and uses the fact that a domestic plane has crashed, in spite of it having his RTS system on board, to insinuate that there is no reason to believe anything he says. She fails to admit that this plane was actually blown up by the enemy. Tulrude is very ambitious and determined to take over the presidency. She works closely with the Russians and doesn't see that she is being used by them. She is pushing for globalism in every area, has no fear of God, and uses underhand methods to gain power. There is a strong emphasis on a new world order where religion and the environment are combined. We see the world in the build up to the Rapture of the church, and this is underlined in the physical sphere with volcanic rumblings, and an increase in volcanic eruptions and tsunamis worldwide.
Corland is a believer, but he is ill, and when he ends up in a coma, Tulrude takes over the presidential office. She is anti Israel and refuses to help them when they are under serious attack. She also refuses to allow the government to help save Josh when he is kidnapped in Israel by the Iranians, who are desperate to find out how his RTS system operates.
When Josh goes to Israel to help them protect themselves against the enemy, he leaves Abby in charge of the Roundtable, a group of patriotic and wealthy Americans who are desperate to keep America safe. She takes responsibility and one of the nuclear attacks is foiled completely, whilst the other causes damage, but not as much as it could have. Of course the Tulrude administration blame Abby and Josh for the loss of lives and other damage, and Abby has to face them in court.
In this book we see prophecy come to pass. As it is predicted in the Bible, the Lord saves Israel from destruction when she is totally surrounded by the enemy. He also delivers Josh from prison, both physically and spiritually, when he is in jail in enemy territory. The Bible prophecy he has heard from pastor Campbell finally makes sense to him, and he finds true peace at last.
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