In this sequel to Waters of Marah, we find Gloria back in Appleton with new found confidence after her year of independence in Eckerd city. Her mother is amazed at the way she doesn't get rattled any more, and at how loving she is, even while being firm. She is no longer the doormat that left Appleton a year before! Although Tracy has always told Gloria she has no backbone, she is not too happy with the new Gloria who stands up for herself and for what she believes in!
We get to know Cutter Price better in this book and we see Gloria's feelings for him change from revulsion to friendship. Could Gloria have found love in the last place she thought she would? We see him change from being a rather pompous and prideful womanizer, to being someone who is caring and dependable.
Gloria learns from her grandmother, who she loves dearly, the reason for her mother's unhappiness and for her controlling spirit. When this all comes out in the open, Geri and her mother are reconciled after years of unforgiveness and pain. and Gloria's relationship with her mother is greatly improved. We see the importance of forgiveness and unconditional love in a family. We see Gloria's growth as a Christian and her obedience and compassion. She is confident in the Lord's love and faithfulness. Her relationship with Jesus is the most important aspect of her life, and she knows she can never marry a man who doesn't share her faith.
Cutter's mother, who is Geri Press's best friend, asks Gloria to visit her. She is very ill and dying and is very afraid. Gloria has always been scared of Virginia Press, but she feels sorry for her now. Cutter's relationship with his mother is not good at all. She has controlled him all his life, without showing him any love, and in fact only telling him she loved him just before she died. He feels he has been cheated of a mother's love. Gloria is worried about Virginia Press dying without Jesus and is very firm with her, refusing to visit her again unless she allows her to share her faith. Gloria stands her ground and her prayers for Virginia are answered.
Gloria worries about Tracy as well, who used to be her best friend. She loves her but realizes that there is nothing she can do for her, and Tracy gets involved with an ex jailbird and works in a bar. Tracy asks her for money, which Gloria gives her the first time, although she can't afford it, but she realizes that by giving her money she is not helping Tracy make the right decisions in life. When she refuses Tracy it is very unpleasant. Gloria asks Tucker to give Tracy her old job back, and he does offer it to her, only to be scorned by Tracy who calls him "the Monkey".
Gloria enjoys her work for Paul and Wanda and ends up being able to buy out their printing business.
Gloria is still involved with trying to expose the environmentalists and Harry Griswald continues producing flyers in spite of the danger. Cutter helps in this as well, as he is in danger of losing his property. In spite of a murder and the fact that Gloria is being stalked, they are determined to reveal the truth. We are kept in suspense until right at the end as to the outcome. Her friends in Eckerd city are very important to her and she is afraid of causing them harm, as it seems as though the criminals want to destroy her and all that is dear to her. She is determined, however, to listen to the Lord and to do what He wants her to do. She feels she must stand for what is true and somehow bring about justice for Perth's father and the others whose lives were destroyed by these unscrupulous men.
In this novel we see Gloria grow in maturity and we see the effect of her love,compassion and faith upon the people in her life.
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