Katrine, whose real name is Rebecca, has escaped the fate of her family and the other Jews in Chechoslovakia because of her Aryan looks. She becomes a married German officer, Hendrick's, mistress. She is very beautiful and thinks he loves her as much as she loves him. She has no idea of the gruesome work he is involved in, and when she finds out she is repulsed. He senses this and his attitude towards her changes. She becomes pregnant and thinks he is going to set her and the baby up in their own flat, but instead she becomes part of the Lebensborn programme. She is forced to stay in a Lebensborn home where she soon realizes that Hendrick and his wife are going to take her child and bring him or her up as a Nazi. Hendrick's wife, Onna, is unable to have children and Hendrick has adopted two little girls that have been taken from their Polish parents. He is longing for a son.
Mary Kelley and Lee O'Donnelly are war correspondents. They come from very different backgrounds and each of them get involved in serious action. They start out as competitors, but end up as friends.
Eddie Anderson is navigator for the B17 called "Destiny's Child". He and Mary have to bale out when their plane is shot down over Belgium.
They are helped by members of the resistance and end up at the castle that housed the Lebensborn. A caring nun, an unselfish mother, Eddie's strong faith in God, and resistance members all play a part in their escape. Lee and Patrick, the photographer, together with Mary's father, don't give up in their search for Mary.
It is a wonderful story of redemption, of deliverance from harm, and hope for those who put their trust in the Lord. We see that God directs our steps and has a plan for each of our lives, no matter how insignificant we may feel. We see that He is the true Navigator of our lives and that He can use a little child to bring people together. It is in experiencing Eddie's commitment to the Lord and his protection of her and of baby Samuel that Mary is drawn to follow Jesus. Mary and Eddie's love story is beautifully portrayed, and all the characters and the interwoven stories are well thought out. The horrors of war and Nazi madness are contrasted with the sacrifice, love and compassion shown by those who want to make a difference in the world.
I really enjoyed this novel and can highly recommend it.
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