Parker James is a song writer. She comes from a very musical family, and is in fact named after a guitar! Her father, Pete, is a brilliant guitarist who has unfortunately ruined his life through his alcoholism. Her mother, Lynn, is still in love with Pete, but they are divorced and she will only take him back when he has been free of alcohol for six months. Parker has two brothers, Gibson who is a homicide detective, and LesPaul who is a sound mixer and musician. They are a very close family, and when Parker has what she feels is her big chance to sing her own Christian songs during Serene's performance for Jeff Standard, the whole family rallies around to help and goes on tour with her. Her mother even lends her her savings in order to make CD's for the tour.
Parker works at Colgate Studios in order to arrange recording time for her family, and also for Serene, her best friend, a brilliant singer and the one for whom she writes most of her songs.
Parker always has to be strong for Serene, who is anorexic and very "needy" due to her horrific childhood. In spite of this, Serene is very loyal to Parker and is devastated when Jeff Standard doesn't keep up his end of the bargain with Serene and lets Parker down badly. Parker finds it impossible not to love Serene in spite of everything and is particularly concerned about her friend's eating disorder. They are both Christians, although we see more of the fruit of the Spirit in Parker, who really seeks to honour the Lord in all she does. Parker sings for the homeless and for teens with her pastor, Daniel, who plays the guitar in Serene's band. Her desire is to lead people closer to Jesus through her singing and through the words of her songs.
Parker writes her songs as the Holy Spirit leads her, and a lot of her songs are inspired by her father, the only member of the family who refuses to accept Christ in his life. In fact "Double Minds" is about him and his struggle to admit he has a problem with alcohol and his refusal to do anything constructive to kick the habit.
Serene is a famous Gospel singer, but when Jeff Standard offers her a contract he tells her she must change the words of her songs and take out all the "Christian" words. Parker has to do this and is in two minds about it, but she also has a dream of making a name for herself in the singing industry and she needs to make some money to live on. She would also rather do the changes herself than let just anyone do so.
Serene makes Jeff Standard promise to let Parker come on tour and sing some of her own Christian songs during the intervals while Serene is changing, but he lets her down and she only does one performance. Parker has a lovely way of leading people into worship with her songs, and Jeff finds it offensive.
Parker is shattered when Brenna, a young student, is murdered at Colgate Studios when she is sitting at Parker's desk, standing in for her. Parker is afraid that she may have been the target instead of Brenna. Her life becomes very complicated, and there are a lot of sinister things that happen that make her and her family very worried.
There is a lot of intrigue surrounding Brenna's murder, particularly due to the fact that her mother is Tiffany Teniere, a famous Gospel singer. We see that not all those involved in the Christian music industry are in it to glorify Christ - for many the object is merely to make money and become rich, which is the case as far as Brenna's father is concerned. The story is very relevant in today's society where the music industry is so vast, and where so many people try to make money out of "Christian" music, when their heart is not set on glorifying God at all!
In the end we see how Parker realizes what is really important. She is no longer "double-minded" about what she wants from life. The novel is well worth reading and has a strong Christian message.
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