We see the Lord's miraculous intervention in keeping David's heir alive in hiding until he can become king of Judah when he is seven years old. We see Jehoshebeth's bravery and reliance on Yahweh as she snatches baby Joash from certain death at the palace and hides him at the Temple.
It is interesting to see how relevant things that happened in Bible days are to the days in which we live. We shudder at the atrocities performed by self-seeking women who want to take over the God-given role given to men and also at the wholesale slaughter of babies so that Athaliah's wicked scheme to take over the throne may succeed. The story of Satan's attack on mankind, often through women, runs through the Bible from Genesis to Revelations, as does the promise of Christ's victory over the forces of darkness.
The story follows the Bible account closely and the message is in no way diminished by it being a work of fiction. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
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