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Christian Novel Review

Having always been an avid reader, since becoming a Christian I have found a wealth of reading material in Christian bookshops and in various second hand bookshops. I have found that in Christian novels one often finds truths that help in one’s Christian walk. I enjoy reading about how the various characters deal with life, and I also find I am the richer for reading a really good Christian novel. Certain authors, through their books, give you a real insight into their joys and struggles, which I find very interesting. The books which I am going to review are those which I have really enjoyed, and have read at least twice – some books, for example the “Mark of the Lion “ series by Francine Rivers, I have read at least five times each. The first books that I am going to talk about are the latest two novels by Francine Rivers,

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Tuesday, 27 August 2013


THE NIGHT WATCHMAN by MARK MYNHEIR is an exciting detective novel with a good story, believable characters and a subtle Christian message running throughout.  I particularly enjoyed the sarcastic wit with which the protagonist, Ray Quinn, faces the world!
Ray is a former detective who is now working as a night watchman at a very superior apartment building which forms quite a contrast to his very basic and not very pleasant living conditions.  He is crippled due to being shot whilst on duty, and he is bitter at having lost the love of his life in the same shootout.  He feels guilty due to his inability to save her life.  He is a confused and unhappy man with a serious drinking problem.  His problems are deep seated - he never knew his parents and was passed from one foster home to another as a child, thus battling with rejection and heavy depression.
When a pastor and a prostitute are found dead at the apartment building where he works, he and his co-worker Crevis Creighton help the pastor's sister, Pam, to look into what really happened at this so called "murder-suicide".  
Pam is a committed Christian and is unfazed by Ray's antagonism to all things pertaining to her faith, and is a healthy influence in his life.  It is interesting to see how a gradual friendship is built up between the three of them.
In THE CORRUPTIBLE we find Ray and Crevis as Private Investigators. Pam, who is a school teacher, helps them in the afternoons and is also helping Crevis to pass his exams.  Crevis badly wants to become a polIceman but he has a learning disability. He is a likeable character - fiercely loyal and sometimes rather over enthusiastic.  He works out at the gym, getting tips from Ray who was a kick-boxer before he was injured, and has become Ray's protector.  Pam is also always ready to help, which pleases Ray but also exasperates him as he feels she is just waiting to pounce on him with a Scripture or a prayer!
The case they deal with is exciting and dangerous, although this time Ray gets the help he needs from the police department as he has been made a consultant.
The novels are fast paced and there is an interesting message throughout.  We can't help wondering when Ray will finally give up trying to get through life with the help of his "friend" Jim Beam and give the Lord a chance to help him get his life in order!
Although the books are better read one after the other in sequence, they can each be read as stand alone novels.  I can highly recommend them both. 

Monday, 19 August 2013


In LOVE IN A BROKEN VESSEL MESU ANDREWS tells the biblical story of the prophet Hosea and his unfaithful wife, Gomer, with incredible insight and sensitivity. The novel is "up there" with some of the best Christian books I have read!
Whilst following the story and backing it with scripture throughout, the author introduces fictional characters who add their part to the novel without taking away from the truth. The characters, their struggles and their feelings are beautifully portrayed against the background of day to day life in Israel and Judah during the time of Hosea, Amos, Isaiah and Jonah.
We see God's judgment on His adulterous people, but we also see His incredible love and compassion as He restores those who turn to Him.
The Lord speaks to Hosea and tells him to marry a prostitute and to stay faithful to her even when she turns back to harlotry. This mirrors God's unconditional love for His people and His longing for them to turn back to Him. We see the consequences of sin and the importance of obedience. Hosea's patience with his rebellious wife and his obedience to God's voice show his total trust in Yahweh..
The theme of restoration runs right through the story. It is when Gomer is broken like the pottery vessel she throws at the cave wall in frustration, that she finally lets the Lord in to restore her. Then we see Amoz mending the broken vessel and making it into something beautiful.
There is also a lovely parallel of Christ purchasing us by his sacrifice on the cross when Hosea buys his adulterous wife back from slavery.
Altogether a lovely book, beautifully written, and one I cannot recommend highly enough.

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Sunday, 11 August 2013


BETRAYED by JEANETTE WINDLE is a suspense novel which takes place in Guatemala.  Like all the books that I have read by this author, it is most thought provoking.  
Vicki Andrews has no idea what secrets she is about to uncover when she arrives in Guatemala, nor does she have any idea that she is about to be challenged personally as far as her belief in God is concerned.  Through a lot of "coincidences" she uncovers the truth about her early childhood and her birth parents, and through the faith of people like Evelyn and Cesar she is drawn back to the Lord.  
Vicki is an anthropologist who works for Children at Risk, and comes to Guatemala to look at the children's home, Casa de Esperanza, at the municipal rubbish dump, in order to see if the funding they have been given is being used properly.  She has great compassion for people in need, especially children, and cannot understand that a loving Heavenly Father can sit back and do nothing when there is so much suffering in the world.  She is different to her sister, Holly, who is a veterinarian and loves animals and the beauty of the world around her, and has never lost her faith in a loving God.  
In her search for the truth about what happened to Holly, Vicki takes up a position as interpreter at the Wildlife Rescue Centre, where Holly used to work, and it is here that she faces her greatest fears and shows great courage in the face of danger.  Faced with so much corruption, she doesn't know who to trust. In the end she turns to the Lord who came through for Sarah when she was abandoned in the king's harem, trusting Him to do the same for her!  In fact, the idea of being "a woman like Sarah" runs right through the story.   
The novel is exciting and the characters are very believable.  It is an enjoyable read and one I can highly recommend.

Friday, 2 August 2013


 BLIND JUSTICE by JAMES SCOTT BELL is a courtroom thriller with a twist. There is definitely something going on behind the scenes in Hinton where Howie Patino is suspected of murdering his wife, Rae, and when he screams out that the devil is after him, it puts a whole new slant on the case!  In fact he says he saw the devil at the murder scene!
Jake Denney is a lawyer who has a drinking problem, and as a result he has not been very successful. He is divorced and unhappy and the only thing that keeps him going is his love for his five year old daughter, Mandy.
Howie had a hard time at school as he has always been slow, and it is there that he and Jake become friends. When Jake is asked by Howie's parents to be his defense lawyer, he accepts, not only because Howie is his friend but also because he needs the money.  Howie is confused about what happened the night of the murder, which doesn't make Jake's job very easy.
Jake's childhood was not happy. Because he could never please his overbearing father, he has the wrong idea about God and feels he will never be able to please Him either. His friend Trip, who is a private investigator, tries hard to lead him to the Lord.  Howie's sister, Lindsay, makes quite an impression on him with her steady trust in God, and the way she recognizes the demonic power at work in Hinton.  I like the way the story is written in the first person.  We really get to know and understand Jake as he expresses his feelings.
It is not only an exciting story but there is a strong Christian message. I can highly recommend this novel.

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