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Christian Novel Review

Having always been an avid reader, since becoming a Christian I have found a wealth of reading material in Christian bookshops and in various second hand bookshops. I have found that in Christian novels one often finds truths that help in one’s Christian walk. I enjoy reading about how the various characters deal with life, and I also find I am the richer for reading a really good Christian novel. Certain authors, through their books, give you a real insight into their joys and struggles, which I find very interesting. The books which I am going to review are those which I have really enjoyed, and have read at least twice – some books, for example the “Mark of the Lion “ series by Francine Rivers, I have read at least five times each. The first books that I am going to talk about are the latest two novels by Francine Rivers,

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Monday 29 July 2024


Publication date 20/8/24
CONNILYN COSSETTE is an incredible writer of biblical fiction, and her love for the Lord, His holy land Israel and His chosen people, shines right through all she writes. Not only is it interesting to learn about what life was like in 1043 BC, but her character analysis is brilliant. Whilst SHIELD OF THE MIGHTY is the second novel in the King’s Men series and there are characters from preceding books, Shield of the Mighty can stand alone.
Zevi ben Natan, a captain in Saul’s army is sent by his commanding officer into Yehudite territory to enlist men into the king’s army, to gather tribute, and to find outstanding artisans to enhance King Saul’s court. The Yehudites are not happy about a Benjamite being king of Israel and there is a plot in Maresha, Zevi’s place of birth and one that hold unhappy memories for him, to replace Saul with  Yehudite king. It is in Maresha that he meets the beautiful perfumer, Yochana………
I am not going to tell you any more for fear of spoiling things for you.
There is loyalty to king and country, courage, betrayal, unconditional love, and there are fierce battles…….
I cannot recommend this beatiful novel highly enough.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Bethany House Publishers. The opinions in this review are completely my own.


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